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Careers For Women

February 5th, 2014 by schoolbound

Roles for women in the workplace are getting broader and opportunities to enter into more typically male centered occupations are becoming common. In fact the newly appointed CEO of General Motors, a typically male dominated business with a $152 billion a year  annual revenue,  is Mary Barra. She is the first woman ever to run […]

Aptitude Tests To Find Your Calling

January 29th, 2014 by schoolbound

Are you floating around in your career and bored to death at your job? Do you feel like you could be doing MORE? That you are not using your best talents? Are you reevaluating your purpose on earth? These are some of the reasons people take aptitude tests online. They can help you figure out […]

I Want A Degree But How Can I Afford It?

January 22nd, 2014 by schoolbound

Beyond the hurdle of trying to figure out what your calling is in life and then pursuing it, there is the question of how you will afford it. Once you are in school the goal is to focus on your studies and get the most out of your time there, rather than worry about how […]

The Fastest Growing Jobs Projection Through 2016

January 15th, 2014 by schoolbound

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics which releases projections every two years on the fastest growing jobs, the number of employed people in the US will have grown roughly 10% by 2016 compared to ten years ago. But what burgeoning industries are guarantees for future employment? There are some old stand-byes like healthcare […]

10 Good New Years Resolutions For The College Student

January 8th, 2014 by schoolbound

The turning of the calendar to a brand new year allows everyone a chance at a clean slate. A fresh start. A dusting off of bad habits and making resolutions for a new beginning! And whether you are a young student fresh out of high school embarking on your second term at college this January, […]

Happy New Year!!!

January 1st, 2014 by schoolbound

What is your New Years Resolution? Everybody has one. Some are about losing that extra ten pounds you gained eating all those Holiday goodies. Some are to quit unhealthful habits like smoking or fast food. And some are to make that career change you have been wanting to make for a long time now. I […]

Happy Holidays!!! Stressed Out? 11 Tips For A Healthy School Year

December 25th, 2013 by schoolbound

(This post was originally published on September 25, 2013 but with exams, the holidays and a new semester looming it is good to revisit) Does this sound familiar? You have an exam coming up and you are 3 chapters behind on your reading, you have to take online quizzes by the end of the week […]

Tips For Saving Money On College Textbooks

December 18th, 2013 by schoolbound

(This post was originally published on September 11, 2013 but with the new semester looming it is good to revisit) Cha-CHING!!!! Tired of shelling out hundreds of dollars on text books each semester? Books are right up there under tuition on the most expensive parts of attending college list. But do they have to be? […]

Creating Experience – Getting Ready For The Job Market

December 11th, 2013 by schoolbound

Attending school and getting a degree is the most important but also just the first step in career preparation. While in school you are submersing yourself in your major and learning all you can about the ins and outs of that subject, history and field of work. But realistically you should always keep in mind […]

The Plan is to Have a Plan…

December 4th, 2013 by schoolbound

College is, or should be a preparation and launching pad for a long career in a field you choose because you are interested, talented and possibly gifted in that field.  Unfortunately all too often graduates of a lengthy degree end up on a career path that does not adhere or even relate to their course […]