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So, you want to further your education? Will you pursue a college degree or vocational certification? Which schools offer the programs you need? Is there a campus near you or can you complete it online? Will financial aid be an option? Whether you already have answers to these questions or you’ve just started your research, you’ve come to the right place. SchoolBound.com is here to help, so let’s get started!

Financial Aid

Once you've figured out your area of interest and what kind of degree or certification you'll pursue, the next big question is how to pay for it. While higher education costs can seem prohibitive, the good news is that there are lots of options available to help you finance your academic pursuits.

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Janice Stevens’ Return to School at 41

Oct 12, 2018 | 03:10 PM

When Janice Stevens considered furthering her education at age 41, she had plenty of worries. She hadn’t been in a classroom in over 20 years and had never completed any classes beyond high school. After years of working in the same job for over a decade with little increase in pay, Janice was still working […]

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Is Online College Better? The Real Pros And Cons of Online Education

Oct 12, 2018 | 02:10 PM

Online education is a convenience that we are just beginning to appreciate and understand; it is quite possibly the most expansive aspect of education that is growing today. The playing field is leveled for students across the globe as people in China, Tanzania, and Western Chile can study similar subject matter through their mastery of […]

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Going Back to School at 40: A Closer Look at Non-traditional Students

Oct 10, 2018 | 04:10 PM

If you are over the traditional student age, and considering returning to college, you are not alone. Studies show the number of non-traditional students (those over the age of 24) continues to grow every year. Reasons for the increase vary, but one thing is clear: Being older has advantages.

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Maurie McInnis, Yale’s New President, Emphasized Policing at Previous Post

Jul 10, 2024 | 03:07 AM

In her four years at the state university, Maurie McInnis drew criticism from faculty members who said some of her decisions violated academic freedom.

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Harvard’s Antisemitism and Anti-Muslim Task Forces Find Climate of Bias

Jun 29, 2024 | 03:06 AM

Groups investigating antisemitism and anti-Muslim bias cited instances of discrimination against pro-Israel students and “a pervasive climate of intolerance” against pro-Palestinian students.

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Why U.S. Schools Are Facing Their Biggest Budget Crunch in Years

Jun 29, 2024 | 03:06 AM

Federal pandemic aid helped keep school districts afloat, but that money is coming to an end.

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*Please Note: The information on this page reflects median salaries taken from the 2017 release of the O*NET database. The Occupational Information Network (O*NET) is being developed under the sponsorship of the US Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA) through a grant to the North Carolina Employment Security Commission which operates the National Center for O*NET Development. We do our best to update our system with the new information released by this project, but some careers may not be present.