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See If You Qualify For A $6095 Grant

Paying for School: Financial Aid Options

$5,920: The current Federal Grant amount a student may receive if they qualify.

Once you’ve figured out your area of interest and what kind of degree or certification you’ll pursue, the next big question is how to pay for it. While higher education costs can seem prohibitive, the good news is that there are lots of options available to help you finance your academic pursuits.
Financial aid options that may be available to you include scholarships, grants, loans, and even work-study programs and assistantships. Private loans are another solution to helping you achieve your educational goals. And if you’ve served in the military, you can also take advantage of tax credits and benefits to help offset the cost.
The links below contain extensive information on each of the different types of federal student aid available to prospective students like you to help cover the costs of a degree program. Take the time to explore your options and understand which ones might meet your financing needs best.


Federal Student Aid Summary