New Careers: Now’s the Time to Think Green

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March 15th, 2016 by schoolbound

According to NASA, February was the hottest month to date since they started measuring temperature in 1880.  These statistics will likely add to the increasing demand for professionals in the green industry.

The term “green” is used in reference to anything that has to do with conservation, sustainability, etc.  In the career world, there are actually two green job areas – one includes companies that offer green services or products and the other area includes jobs at companies that are trying incorporate more green practices such as using fewer natural resources or making their processes more environmentally friendly.

Within these two job areas there are actually quite a few career fields to pursue.  Some require a lot of education such as Biochemical Engineers and others require only an associate level education or less such as an Environmental Engineering Technician.  Below read more about a few of the new career fields that are emerging from the green economy.  These occupations have very bright futures according to data collected from the Department of Labor.

  • Automotive Engineering Technicians: These professionals work with cars that are designed to be more fuel efficient like hybrids or electric cars.  The education required for this career ranges from a certificate to an associate degree often in the field of mechanical engineering.
  • Compliance Managers – In the green industry, one of the tasks of a compliance manager is to make sure that a business adheres to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) regulations.  A bachelor’s degree is usually a requirement to be hired in this profession.
  • Energy Auditors – People in this profession conduct analyses on buildings and machinery, and create reports on how a company can save costs associated with energy usage. For example, they may check a building’s airflow system for leaks.