Posts Tagged ‘college’

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Tips For Saving Money On College Textbooks

December 18th, 2013 by schoolbound

(This post was originally published on September 11, 2013 but with the new semester looming it is good to revisit) Cha-CHING!!!! Tired of shelling out hundreds of dollars on text books each semester? Books are right up there under tuition on the most expensive parts of attending college list. But do they have to be? […]

Creating Experience – Getting Ready For The Job Market

December 11th, 2013 by schoolbound

Attending school and getting a degree is the most important but also just the first step in career preparation. While in school you are submersing yourself in your major and learning all you can about the ins and outs of that subject, history and field of work. But realistically you should always keep in mind […]

The Plan is to Have a Plan…

December 4th, 2013 by schoolbound

College is, or should be a preparation and launching pad for a long career in a field you choose because you are interested, talented and possibly gifted in that field.  Unfortunately all too often graduates of a lengthy degree end up on a career path that does not adhere or even relate to their course […]

Learn To Manage Your Time

November 27th, 2013 by schoolbound

(This post was originally published on September 4, 2013 but with exams looming it is good to revisit) Everyone at some point wishes they could have more hours in their day to finish all they needed to accomplish. Some days are so jam packed that the time flies by and you realize with sudden horror […]

Scholarships for Just Being YOU! – Weird, Odd, Strange & Wacky Scholarships

October 23rd, 2013 by schoolbound

Don’t be discouraged if you look at scholarships for your school and you feel you do not qualify for any of the ones they promote. All students are definitely not created equal. Even if you are not a Valedictorian, or your GPA is not a 4.0, no worries, you can still find and qualify for […]

College Credit for Life Experience?

October 16th, 2013 by schoolbound

What if you have been a retail manager for six years and you are now interested in pursuing a business degree to propel your future. Maybe you have been a babysitter or even a stay at home Mom for 10 years and you decide you would like a degree in early childhood education. Learning is […]

The Benefits Of Online Coursework

October 9th, 2013 by schoolbound

Online learning, e-learning, distance learning, whatever you call it, can be a great way to advance your education, training, knowledge and paycheck. Taking classes online is a popular way for working professionals to have the time and opportunity to earn a degree at their own pace. People who take online classes usually are looking for […]

A Return To College After A 20 Year Hiatus

October 2nd, 2013 by schoolbound

In late 2008, after a wonderfully successful 17 year climb up the career ladder, suddenly like so many Americans I found myself laid off in a mass wave of cutbacks from a job I thought I would have for life. It was a devastating blow both financially and to my self-esteem. What followed for the […]

Stressed Out? 11 Tips For A Healthy School Year

September 25th, 2013 by schoolbound

Does this sound familiar? You have an exam coming up and you are 3 chapters behind on your reading, you have to take online quizzes by the end of the week or you do not get credit which counts towards your grade, you have 2 essays due this week, you are working tonight, you have […]

Online VS Campus Learning

September 18th, 2013 by schoolbound

Welcome to the debate. And it IS a debate. If you google the title of this article you will get a plethora of varying opinions on the subject. And I truly believe it is totally subjective. There is no right or wrong answer here, it just depends on what you are looking to accomplish, what […]