5 Fastest Growing Careers Needing Only an Associate Degree

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February 29th, 2016 by schoolbound

The need for these professionals is projected to grow by at least 20 percent in the next ten years.  This is an important factor to consider when looking at 2 year degree programs.  When you graduate you want there to be plenty of job openings, right?

It is not surprising that four out of five of these careers are in the medical field. According to the Department of Labor, the health care field is projected to add about 2.3 million jobs in the next decade.  This is due to people getting older and more people having access to health care.

1. Occupational Therapy Assistants
Projected Growth: 43%
$52,300 per year

Occupational therapy assistants help patients gain or re-gain the skills they need to perform their daily work and life activities.  For instance, they may help children who have disabilities improve social and coordination skills through play therapy.

2.    Physical Therapist Assistants
Projected Growth: 41%
$41,640 per year

Sometimes called PTAs, these health care professionals work under the supervision of physical therapists.  They help people who are recovering from injuries manage their pain and re-gain movement by instructing their patients on how to perform certain stretches and exercises.

3.    Web Developers
Projected Growth: 27%
$63,490 per year

It seems like every year the internet becomes more a part of our daily lives.  So, it’s not really shocking that the number of web developer jobs will likely grow at least 27 percent in the next ten years.  These are the guys that build the web sites that we visit every day.  They make sure that sites don’t crash and that they function properly.

4.    Diagnostic Medical Sonographers
Projected Growth: 26%
$67,530 per year

Did you know that sonograms are the same thing as ultrasounds? Me either. Diagnostic Medical Sonographers are the professionals who perform diagnostic imaging tests (like ultrasounds) that help doctors figure out if you have a disease such as cancer.  They normally specialize in one of these areas – abdominal, breast, musculoskeletal, pediatric and gynecology.

5.    Cardiovascular Technologists
Projected Growth: 22%
$54,330 per year

Another professional that deals with diagnostic images, Cardiovascular Technologists work primarily with people who may be having heart problems.  Not only do they take images of the heart, they also conduct tests and help surgeons in surgery. Specifically, they monitor patients during open heart surgery and procedures to insert pacemakers.